Sunday, July 01, 2007

Britney Spears Meltdown Redux?

Britney Spears is all over the map and many believe another meltdown can only be right around the corner. She is again battling with her still husband Kevin Federline over the terms of her divorce. She turned up in short shorts picking and scratching and delivered some sort of a letter to her mom. She is claiming that her rehab was all fake and was reportedly so convinced that second hand dope smoke would cause her to fail a drug test that she went bald. According to sources cited by AOL Celebrity website TMZ.Com, Britney was on Prozac and once she quit taking it her post-partum depression became worse and that's when she melted down before the paparazzi cameras. According to that report, Federline threatened to go public by going to court to wrestle custody from her if she didn't go to rehab. Sources say Spears could not withstand the pressure from her mom, Federline and Rudolph, and checked into Promises last February 20. But she now says she didn't need rehab. Well, she's again battling the same folks. Nothing seemingly has been resolved and again she again may be pushed to the edge. Is there a Britney meltdown redux upcoming? One cam only hope that for those two little boys sakes that there isn't.