Thursday, October 04, 2007

Dr. Phil Wants To Help Britney Spears

TV life coach extrodranaire Dr. Phil McGraw is urging Britney Spears’ people to let him have a crack at her. Dr. Phil discussed Britney’s ongoing problems on Thursday’s show and insists that time alone with troubled Britney could help him determine what’s best for her. Dr. Phil says Brit is in serious trouble and he would like to help for the sake of her kids. “There’s a point at which people get out of control… I don’t know if she’s addicted to drugs, I don’t know if she’s an alcoholic (but) I know from everything I see… it suggests to me that she may be and at that point your judgment is impaired.” McGraw states Spears’ decision to go shopping instead of attending a court hearing to determine the ongoing custody of her kids speaks volumes about the singer’s state of mind. She didn’t show up in court… that’s not good thinking. I spent a long time as a litigation consultant and you don’t thumb your nose at a judge, particularly when he has already ruled against you on something as critical as your children. There are things she needs to do… I’d love to sit down and talk to her but, of course, her people aren’t going to let that happen because I’m gonna ask her hard questions.”