His father used to have the best body in the world, and it looks as though Patrick Schwarzenegger is following in his footsteps.
The 17-year-old stepped out without his shirt in Los Angeles over the weekend, showing off his six-pack and biceps.
The Governor of California's son did not achieve his muscles through body-building like Arnold though. His strong, lean physique is the result of yoga, while Arnold famously bulked up through body building.
He worked up a sweat at an LA yoga studio, and walked to his car dressed only in gym shorts, and carrying his jumper and slippers.
Patrick was joined by mother Maria Shriver, who covered up in a brown T-shirt and leggings.
Across town Patrick's older sister Katherine was joined by their father at a book signing in her honour.
The 20-year-old has penned a self-esteem book for teens called Rock What You've Got: Secrets to Loving Your Inner and Outer Beauty from Someone Who's Been There and Back.

The 63-year-old proudly posed for pictures with his attractive daughter as she signed copies of the book, which she says aims to 'let girls know they are not alone with the changes and doubts about their body.'
The revealing novel describes life in the Schwarzenegger family, and chronicles Katherine's own body image issues as a teen.
'I had the best relationship with my Mom. I still do. I talk to her four times a day,' she says.
'I also have an amazing relationship with my Dad. I talk to him about boys, about going out, about what I'm interested in, about business.'

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