Thursday, August 09, 2007

Britney Spears Mom Fights Back, Hires Private Dick to Monitor Brit

Britney Spears reportedly accused her mother Lynne Spears of sleeping with Kevin Federline, Britney's ex-husband. In what was dubbed as an argument Spears blurted the accusation out. Now Lynne is fighting back and has hired a private dick to monitor Britney for her sake and the sake of the children, the National Enquirer is reporting in this week's issue.The magazine reports that crushed by mounting career and personal pressures, Britney Spears has suffered a complete meltdown - and the report claims that she sucks on potentially lethal "lollipops: laced with a narcotic that can be up to 80 times more potent than morphine. Desperate to help their troubled daughter, Britney's divorced parents Lynne and Jamie Spears have hired a private eye to track her, insiders say. Spurred by the discovery of the alleged "drug lollipops", Lynne has joined forces with her ex-husband Jamie - hiring a private detective to keep an eye on Britney, says the source. "Britney's mom and dad are very concerned about her," another source close to the Brit tells The Enquirer. "Although Lynne and Jamie are divorced, they're united about seeing to Britney's well-being. So they've hired a private eye to watch her. The detective keeps track of Britney's affairs, especially her personal life, and reports back to Lynne and Jamie. Since Britney cut off almost all communication with them, they felt they had no other choice."