Thursday, August 09, 2007

Forget France, Angelina Jolie Wants to Move Family to Cambodia

There have been reports that Angelina Jolie is adamant on moving the Jolie-Pitt family to France. When on holiday there, the pair reportedly looked at several estates. But Angelina has revealed that she would prefer an even more distant country, far away from the United States. Where does she want to live? "Not in Hollywood, that’s for sure," she tells the French magazine Public. Angelina says she wants to move to Maddox's native country of Cambodia in ten years and cover her body in tattoos. “I’m sure everyone would leave me in peace over there,” she says. But if Jolie wishes to be left alone why does she continue to take on multiple movie roles and attend red carpet events? Some observers don't buy the idea that Jolie wishes to settle down anywhere. She seems to love the lifestyle of constant travel and that has reportedly caused a lot of problems with her boyfriend Brad Pitt. Her globe-trotting lifestyle is causing tension, reports In Touch Weekly. Even though Brad, 43, wants to settle in LA with the kids, Angie told Public magazine her dream is to live on an isolated farm in Cambodia. A tiny village in Southeast Asia is miles away from the modernist architecture and pampered lifestyle Brad is used to. And he’s right to have concerns — not just for himself, but for their kids. “It breaks Brad’s heart that the kids are always jet-lagged,” the confidant adds. “They need routines and regular bedtimes. They desperately crave stability.”