10:32 PM
When it comes to physical appearances singer Justin Timberlake likes everything he sees in the mirror and says he is irresistible when on a surfboard to women and men. In an interview with the Mirror, Justin revealed he has a secret weapon to snare a girl. "I defy a girl not to fall for me if I'm on a surfboard or snowboarding. It's my secret weapon if a girl resists me." Jessica Biel included, Justin bragged, "She truly insisted that she came with me on tour. I don't know how to say no to a pretty face. But it wasn't really a good idea. Justin also told that "plenty" of male stars hit on him, too. "Physically nothing. I'm well proportioned and nothing offends me when I look in the mirror," said Timberlake when asked what he dislikes about his body. Meanwhile Timberlake and ex Cameron Diaz continued their reunion on the European friendship tour to Rome yesterday promoting Shrek The Third.
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