Paris Hilton used her weekend on a little arts-and-crafts to try to bring a little bit of cheer to her dad's Father's Day by making him a card. Nice gesture by Paris who has claimed that when she is finally let out of Lynwood, she would like to skip the dumb blonde act and better society. Fair enough - I mean why not? Now she will get the opportunity. Representatives from the Los Angeles Civil Rights Association and Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable tried to hand deliver a letter to Hilton requesting she speak out on the jail system and its treatment of inmates in need of medical and psychological care. That's a pretty good start, Paris reportedly freaked during her first few hours in jail, and maybe she could help. "This will be a time for Paris to step up, and step her game up, and do what's right and represent people who need help in the mental illness area," said Eddie Jones, of the L.A. Civil Rights Association. "We've seen celebrities now who have made statements they want to get involved in social causes," added Hutchinson of the Urban Policy Roundtable. "This is a challenge to Paris Hilton." Hilton, who has admitted to being "severely depressed" behind bars, needs to become "a poster girl for the mentally challenged," Hutchinson said. Correction officers promised to forward the letter to Hilton. There was no comment from Hilton publicist Elliot Mintz, who said he wouldn't speak to reporters on Paris' behalf until she is released
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