ANNA NICOLE SMITH's estranged mother VIRGIE ARTHUR has filed an appeal to prevent her baby granddaughter from leaving her home in the Bahamas. Little Dannielynn's father Larry Birkhead was hoping to leave the islands and return home to California with his baby daughter, but now Arthur is keen to keep the child in the jurisdiction of the Bahamas - until she can confirm her own custody issues. A new custody hearing is scheduled for later today (27Apr07). Birkhead met with his attorneys yesterday (26Apr07) to cut through his baby daughter's passport issues and get her birth certificate changed so it features him as the legal and biological father. Birkhead also met Arthur and former paternity rival Howard K. Stern in a Bahamian courthouse yesterday to discuss his travel plans for baby Dannielynn. Birkhead's first destination will reportedly be Kentucky, where the photographer hopes to introduce his baby daughter to family members.
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