The pop tart has been shopping as if there is no tomorrow, prompting concerns she has turned from an alcoholic to a shopaholic, replacing one compulsive behavior with another. Britney has spent over $60,000 on wigs, vintage hats, clothes, lingerie, perfume, jewelry and cosmetics since April 6, according to In Touch Weekly. MSNBC reports addiction expert Dr. Robert Butterworth, who hasn't treated Spears, told In Touch, "People with addictions often go from one compulsive behavior to another." On Friday (13 April 2007) Britney reportedly fired her manager Larry Rudolph and on the same day in a bizarre rant, delivered impersonating a valley girl, blamed her management for sending her to rehab. Commenting on the 'shoot the messenger' Valley Girl impersonation, addiction specialist Clare Waismann - who doesn't treat Spears - told ITW, "She's acting like a child. This is not normal behavior. Her whole demeanor is strange. She's not doing well." Besides shopping the beleaguered songstress has been regularly eating Shushi, tanning herself and practicing dance moves at Millenium Studios. On Tuesday (18 April 2007) Britney first went tanned herself at Epitome at Glen Center and then arrived at Millenium Studios attired in a backless short black dress, fishnet stockings, high boots, blond wig and the customary hat.
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