Pamela Anderson has written a heart-felt letter to the Russian partners of KFC, pleading with them to rethink their merger with the "cruel" company. Pammie wrote to Henrik Winther, the president of Rostik, to inform him about the American fast-food giant's barbaric treatment of chickens. She cited how KFC's suppliers breed chickens "to grow so top-heavy that they suffer heart attacks, lung failures, broken legs, and other crippling diseases and injuries. At slaughter, their throats are cut open and they are scalded to death - often while they are still conscious." The former 'Baywatch' star - who is an ardent animal rights activist - also urged Winther to watch her video at KentuckyFriedCruelty.com and pressurise KFC executives to put a stop to their cruel methods. In 2005, vegetarian Pammie teamed up with animal rights protestors in a boycott of KFC. The blonde narrated a 5-minute video produced by prominent animal rights group PETA documenting the mistreatment of chickens which eventually are served in the chain's eateries. She said at the time: "I'm asking people to boycott KFC until the company demands that its suppliers stop crippling chickens and scalding them alive.
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