Once again, Angelina Jolie has found a way to rise above the rest of us riff raff. She says, “I know there’s a cycle of certain things that they keep rewriting, and I can assume there’s things made up, but no I haven’t a clue. And why would I? There’s nothing I have to hide or defend. I’m going to live my life and there’s times people are going to want to attack me, and I don’t know why, but they will and it’s OK. There are other things I’m more concerned about.” Not only does she manage to rock the hell out of this yellow gown at the premiere of Ocean’s 13 in Canne this week, and we all know how hard it is to wear yellow, she doesn’t go slummin’ in gossip like us normal folk. Or Britney Spears who seems to always have a tabloid in her hot little hands.
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