The new Hilary Duff video Stranger came out the other day, but because of my hectic schedule playing Guitar Hero II, I only got around to watching it now. Anyway, I’m glad she finally took my advice and decided to slut it up a bit. It was definitely needed to take her career to a whole new level! Now the video is pretty hot but the music, well, what I can say? At least it’s better than Avril Lavigne’s new stuff. Err.. so I guess that’s a compliment. I do have one complaint though! Her boobs are huge during a few of the scenes. Normally, I’d never complain about a chick for having a big rack, but Hilary isn’t fooling anyone. It’s OK Hilary! There’s nothing to be ashamed about having small breasts. Especially when they’re already Tuna Aprroved!
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