Patti Davis, authoress and daughter of Ronald and Nancy Reagan, wrote a commentary about the recent rehab trend among fame victims for Newsweek . And in it, she writes about how she considers treating rehab like a strategic career move to be "practically blasphemous". Preach on, Patti! "How lucky these celebrities are to be able to go to one of these facilities (which are not cheap) and to benefit from the wisdom and help that waits behind the gates." Regarding her own experience, "I struggled for years to learn on my own what someone like Lohan could learn in months, if she were willing to do so. Of course, that learning also has to be followed by practice. Every day. Forever. But it can start in rehab," Davis writes. She also writes about her own addiction to speed and coke, and mentions how she wanted coke so bad post-rehab that she would drive her nails into her palm and draw blood! Dude, NEVER got hooked on something. I have a Diet Pepsi addiction and it's debilitating. Do you know how bad the aspartame is? Jesus. Wasn't Ron Reagan's son a butt pirate? Not to speak ill of the dead, but I always had the impression Mr. Reagan wasn't too fond of the queers. For his son to be a ballet dancer was delicious. More photos of Lindsay Lohan in and out of Promises after the jump.
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