Ok, by now you’ve all heard that Lindsay Lohan was arrested for suspicion of DUI early Saturday morning. But did you know that Lindsay wasn’t arrested at the scene? Cops had to cuff her at the hospital where her friends took her for treatment after the three of them fled on foot from the accident. If you are just waking up from a holiday hangover and haven’t turned on your tv or picked up your newspaper, Linday Lohan was arrested for DUI after she smashed her fancy pants Mercedes into a curb on Sunset Blvd Saturday morning. The underage party girl had been whooping it all night at Le Deux where they apparently let kids drink illegally. Linsday and her brilliant friends decided to RUN from the scene of the accident and ended up at the hospital where Lindsay received treatment for chest injuries and was then promptly arrested. Soon after that the police announced they found ‘a usuable amount’ of cocaine in Lindsay’s car. lindsay-coke.jpg Not bad for one night: underage drinking, illicit drug use and fleeing the scene of an accident/crime. And worst of all, look what she did to this poor curb.
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