Friday, May 18, 2007

Lindsay Lohan not going to jail

A woman claims Lindsay Lohan stole over $10,000 worth of clothes and accessories after visiting the woman's apartment while she was away for a few days. Unfortunately, Lindsay won't face felony grand theft charges because Los Angeles prosecutors can't prove the case, with the rejection notice saying a house sitter had invited Lohan over and told authorities that she had given Lohan some clothing. However, a plaid shirt that Lohan supposedly was wearing didn't match photos of a shirt that the alleged victim said was missing. "The bottom line is that Lohan can't be shown to have been seen either taking or to have been later in possession of missing items and items she can be shown to have possessed were with (the housesitter's) permission," Deputy District Attorney Greg Somes wrote in the rejection notice. So basically the house sitter invited Lindsay Lohan over and gave all the owner's clothes away to her. This is the worst house sitter in the history of house sitters. My last house sitter blew up my home after hosting a KKK meeting and I'd still rather use them again over this woman.