Angelina Jolie has admitted that she is too skinny and that she is still struggling to get over the death of her mother. She wants another baby and so does her boyfriend Brad Pitt. But now her health has hit a serious skid according to a report from NW magazine. The down under tabloid claims that she is fearful that she may drive Brad away unless she can get pregnant and she is already too thin to do that in a healthy and safe way, the mag claims."She desperately wants more kids with Brad, but knows she'll never have another kid if she doesn't get a grip on her eating issues. So now she's terrified they'll never be able to add to the family and that will force her and Brad apart," an insider told the magazine."Ange is panicking she can't have any more biological kids because she's too thin," says a source. "She's skinnier than she's ever been in her entire life. But the more she worries and frets, the more weight she loses. Sources say after months of being bony, the star has slipped into a deep depression about her weight, and there are days she can barely get out of bed.She may have gotten a good meal in her this week as she was spotted riding motorcycles with Brad. It was almost like when they first met but those moments seem few and far between. Can she get back to a healthy weight?
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