Thursday, May 17, 2007

Britney Spears Beat-Weave Back Y’all, Has A Message For You

Must be a slow news day if I am writing about Britney Spears hair, but peeps be talking about Britney’s broke-a** weave and when I say broke, I mean like up-on-blocks, all trailer-park style. The above pic is from a new crop showing Britney’s new growth, bleached and with some synthetic looking weaves all woven into that mess. If you told me a family of squirrels were eyeing that for their summer home, I wouldn’t bat an eye. If Britney had any sense at all, which I realize is one of those oxymorons, she’d let her hair grow out and do some kind of funky-punk do in the interim, but because Britney is a complete and utter alien life form, she’s gotta go with the same hair fiasco that made her head look like some kind of Nazi science experiment. Oh and by the way, Britney posted this message on her “under construction site” yesteday. I guess all three of her fans were excited. As for me, I was so inspired I took a nap. Man, do I feel refreshed. Unlike Britney’s scalp. Ewww….I bet it’s itchy and smelly from all those wigs.