Sometimes, after you overdose on hard drugs and start to mutilate yourself, you just need to decompress with some rest and relaxation. All working stiffs know this well.So it goes for Amy Winehouse and new husband Blake Fielder-Civil, who are in the tropics, fresh off a bizarre incident that left them bleeding profusely on a London street.Lounging in the Caribbean, Amy Winehouse showed off her sun-shunning, pasty skin (gotta love the British) and thin frame. Good to see her lathered up with SPF 45 instead of blood.Amy Winehouse: Feeling better, looking interesting.Over the weekend, Winehouse contacted Perez Hilton to defend her husband, who saved her life after she lost her $h!t last week, but has been met with much criticism.In response to a text from Perez Hilton, Amy Winehouse replied:“[Blake Fielder-Civil] is the best man in the world. We would never ever harm each other. Take back what you said on the blog. I thought you was my girl. I was cutting myself after he found me in our room about to do drugs with a call girl and rightly said I wasn’t good enough for him. I lost it and he saved my life.”
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