I have to confess: I've paid precious little attention to Crazy Michael Jackson in the last couple of years. I figured somewhere down the line, when he's been dead for awhile, all the REALLY sick stuck will come out and I'll be properly horrified. Until then, I was biding my time.However, sometimes lovely blissful ignorance is not to be, because, apparently, Jacko's not just wacko, but he doesn't pay his bills either. Which totally reminds me of that interview he did a few years ago with Martin Bashir when he was bragging about being worth over a billion dollars and just walking through this really tacky furniture store saying "I'll take that, and that, and three of those solid gold monkey coatracks..."But, I digress. This time, it's his own lawyers who are saying he hasn't paid up. The celebrity firm of Lavely & Singer are claiming Jackson owes them $113,750 in legal fees and won't cough up the dough. And because I've had the weirdo on media blackout I didn't even know this is actually the second such claim in the last few months. Back in June, a Delaware-based law firm claimed the singer owed them $109,994.48 for acting as his general counsel in a lawsuit against a concert promoter.So, what's the deal? Is he totally broke? Isn't he living in Bahairn or something? It's expensive over there--especially with all the scarves and masks he makes his kids wear. He can buy those but he can't pay his legal bills? Did he really blow all his money? That's kind of sad, but...nah. He's so twisted I can't be feeling sorry from him--even if he's from the family from Hell and a total mental patient. And, as of now: back on blackout. One story a year--that's about all I can handle on this dude.
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