Not as in a drink--as that's what got her into her current mess--but as in a lawsuit. Yes, here we go again: Lilo's being sued. The charges are negligence and assault and were filed by Tracie Rice, who was a passenger in the car Trainwreck was chasing last month. In a statement, Rice said:"What Miss Lohan did that night was extremely dangerous and reprehensible. Someone could easily have been killed or seriously hurt because of her irresponsible decisions that evening."Duh...really? But, seriously, I have been chased by someone in a car and it is pretty, damned scary. If I had found out it was some rich, crazy actress chasing me? I'm just enough of a spiteful bitch to have done the exact same thing. Sue her ass, Tracie! Maybe this will be Wake-up Call #73 for Lindz.
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