Heidi Montag isn’t just going to fuel the fire between herself and LC, her former roommate and co-star on The Hills, in every conceivable way. Oh no.She’s also gonna make money off it! Montag announced, via her official MySpace page, that official “Team Heidi” shirts will go on sale next week. No word on if they printed more than 20.Hey, if you just can’t hide your love for Heidi Montag and are like, OMG, totally desperate to get a t-shirt NOW, you can even enter a contest and WIN one! Wow, you are so welcome for bringing you this opportunity. Imagine being the first person in your neighborhood to possess one of these priceless pieces of clothing! Who supports Team Heidi at all, let alone is willing to shell out $15 to show their affection? You don’t see Lauren Conrad putting out shirts, do you? Yeah. Enough said.You can’t blame a girl for being enterprising, though. Those industrial size tubs of hair gel Spencer Pratt uses aren’t gonna pay for themselves.
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