When your a mega celebrity like Madonna you can afford to hire different nannies for each of your children--and that’s exactly what the queen of pop has done.Madge has hired a live in 'Manny' to take care of 23-month-old David Banda. After a long search, she realized there were no suitable female candidates, and decided to hire a 'manny'.The man will live in Madonna's luxurious London home along with the singer's husband Guy Ritchie and her other children, Lourdes, 10, and seven-year-old Rocco. However, the new nanny will only be caring for David Its no secret that Madge wears the pants in the family and she's already imposed a set of strict rules for the new live in nanny, which include no sex, no watching TV and no newspapers or magazines.A source told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "Madonna is very strict with her rules for whoever looks after her children as she wants the best standards for them."He will be a live-in nanny and need to be available 24/7. He has been given specific instructions never to bring a girlfriend back to the house and not to bring home any women younger than 30."She has also banned him from watching TV in the house, having a TV in his room and reading newspapers or magazines at home."Although I love Madonna to death, she seems like a real nightmare to deal with. Let's see how long this guy lasts.
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