Kevin Federline spent his weekend parting in Las Vegas, but his defense team was working around the clock. Kevin’s lawyer has confirmed that an executive admistrator at Promises Treamtment Center was served with a subpoena Saturday morning. Kevin and his attorney’s are on a mission to get as much information about Britney Spears mental state as possible. Britney’s reps say she completed the Promises program succesfullly and no doubt KFed’s team will dispute that fact. At the very least they will want to hear from counselors from Promises about how Britney responded to the treatment. Did she approach the program in a positive way or did she just go through the motions until she could get the hell out of there? Kevin Federline spent his weekend parting in Las Vegas, but his defense team was working around the clock. Kevin’s lawyer has confirmed that an executive admistrator at Promises Treamtment Center was served with a subpoena Saturday morning. Kevin and his attorney’s are on a mission to get as much information about Britney Spears mental state as possible. Britney’s reps say she completed the Promises program succesfullly and no doubt KFed’s team will dispute that fact. At the very least they will want to hear from counselors from Promises about how Britney responded to the treatment. Did she approach the program in a positive way or did she just go through the motions until she could get the hell out of there? This is the fourth subpoena handed out by KFed in this messy custody battle. Ealier in the week, Britney’s former assitant Shannon Funk, bodyguard Daimon Shippen and cousin Alli Sims were all served with legal papers.This is the fourth subpoena handed out by KFed in this messy custody battle. Ealier in the week, Britney’s former assitant Shannon Funk, bodyguard Daimon Shippen and cousin Alli Sims were all served with legal papers.
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