Nicole Kidman and millions of female country fans would likely agree with country legend Garth Brooks. "Keith Urban is a beautiful guy, Brooks tells People Magazine. Brooks, told reporters Saturday he's back to battle the Keith Urbans of the genre with a new single and a new greatest hits collection and he knows he's better get into shape. Brooks was the fastest-selling solo artist in history when he gave it all up and traded in the music and gossip that surrounded his life for his Oklahoma farm. He showed off a trim new physique in a maroon shirt and tight blue jeans at the Nashville press conference and joked that he had to slim down to measure up.That's when he showed some love for Keith. "Keith Urban is a beautiful guy, and he's just one of about 50 guys out there I'll have to face this fall so if you don't bring your A game you're going to get run over," he said. Referring to his wife, fellow country star Trisha Yearwood (whom he wed in 2005), he added, "And I'm Mr. Yearwood now so I want to make her proud.""Sure I'm scared to death - I'm rusty and I've seen these young guys," Brooks added. "But I'm a competitor and when it's game day you start competing." For the record, while Keith still looks incredible, he turns 40 in August.
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