Despite a penchant for alcohol and/or insanity, Paula Abdul appeared to be sober during a recent interview with USA Today. In it, she talked about her desire for kids, saying she wants them “definitely within the next two years. I thought by now I’d have three grown children.”Instead, she has a possible drinking problem. But we digress.“With modern medicine, people are having kids in their 40s and even up until their late 40s. In their 50s, they’re having their second child,” the American Idol judge said. “If it doesn’t happen naturally like that, I would always consider adopting.”Of course, it may happen naturally. After all, Paula has a new man in her life - and everyone seems to love J.T. Torregiani. “He’s a positive force that has come into my life right now. Where it leads, who knows?” Abdul said, even stating that Simon Cowell approves of the “great, normal guy” on her arm.Of course, an interview with Paula wouldn’t be complete without a bit of nuttiness thrown in. So rest assured that her dog is also a big fan of her man.“My chunky dog, Tulip, is in love with him. He pays so much attention to her that she thinks she’s the queen.”Sounds like these two might be on the same engagement path as Katharine McPhee and Nick Cokas. We wish them the best, if so.
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