Britney Spears may have lost more than her dignity and her career, there is a very real possibility that she may be losing her kids early Monday morning. L.A. attorney Gloria Allred is a bring a secret witness to court that has only been described as a man who has had close observation of Britney’s behavior around her two boys. Fox News reports that this witness’s testimony may blow any chance that Britney had over keeping custody of her Sean and Jayden. Speculation is that the witness has been witness to drug use in her home and in front of the kids.And forget reports you may have read that the judge is not going to allow this testimony. He has already accepted the declaration and praised Allred for her work. Britney and her attorney found out who the secret witness is last Friday and have had all weekend to go over how damaging this if for her. Who is the mystery man? One of Britney’s manny’s perhaps? All we know is what Allred told Fox: “You may recognize him as we walk into court. But maybe not. He is not famous. He’s just someone who’s concerned about the kids.”
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