Why must you tease us, so, oh fair Hayden Panettiere?While we get to see her in a cheerleading outfit every Monday on Heroes, only a select few (Stephen Colletti, Milo Ventimiglia) get to see her in her underwear.We have come to accept this, and despite our sadness, are okay with it. And hey, at least we get to see Hayden shopping for underwear in this photo:Thank goodness Hayden Panettiere turned 18 last month. Otherwise all our jokes about her wearing thongs and being legal would just be plain dirty.Hmm. Which thong to purchase? We personally think that red one would look very nice, actually. It would go pretty well with the curtains in our …Hey, we’re not the only ones making cracks at the expense of the talented and sexy young actress, okay? At last Sunday’s Emmys, Ryan Seacrest joked that FOX’s birthday present to her was seating her as far from Jeremy Piven as possible.
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