Here’s a blast from the past for Friends star Jennifer Aniston. An ex-boyfriend of Jen has some juicy details about young Jen and what she was like at school. Recalling the good-old days spent with Jen, Michael Baroni says: “She was very boisterous and loud and enthusiastic about everything she did in life. She was the leader of the pack with her friends and she’d pursue a guy if she liked him. She was totally unabashed about shouting out, ‘Oh look at that guy, he’s cute!’” Speaking about how he first met Jen, Michael says he was instantly smitten when, aged 16, he first saw 15-year-old Jennifer at a party in New York.“She looked like a Hollywood star even then,” recalls Michael, now a Los Angeles lawyer. “She wore her hair shorter, above her shoulders and styled like an old-fashioned movie star. She loved it like that.”Michael made his move when he spotted Jennifer going into the kitchen to get a drink.“I followed her in and then shut the door behind me,” he says. “I grabbed her by the shoulders, spun her round and kissed her. Luckily, I didn’t get slapped.”When it was time to go home, Jennifer gave him her phone number in red lipstick on a scrap of paper. “It was very sexy,” says Michael, who dated the future star for the whole of that summer. “She was physically mature and emotionally mature.”Before she met Michael, Jennifer had already had one serious boyfriend, a local lad called Nick. She told Michael how once she and Nick were kissing so enthusiastically that their braces locked together. The red-faced teens were found by her mum Nancy. She took them to an emergency dentist who used pliers to disentangle them. Jennifer almost died of embarrassment.
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