Vanessa Hudgens is reportedly very concerned that more nude photos could surface. While it is still not even clear who took the initial photos that have melted down the Internet there have been too many photos already leaked of Vanessa and friends to believe that she is completely out of the woods.So what can Vanessa do? At some point she needs to come clean and reveal exactly what she did, where the photos came from and fight back against whoever released the pictures. She has now went from the wholesome Disney pint-sized hottie to a wild little tramp in many eyes.Is that fair? I really don't believe it is. None of the photos are over the top (at least yet) and she did say "sorry" very quickly. Her attorney has worked quickly to scrub the World Wide Web of the photos. But still the main concern for many parents is her high profile role in the ever so wholesome High School Musical. And just days before the National Enquirer reported that there were photos she did an interview boasting on her clean cut image."I'm a good kid," she told Teen magazine. "I've been brought up with very good morals, and I'm not going to go out and do something I don't want other kids to do." The article claimed that said she Hudgens believes that she's part of a new crop of well-behaved rising stars who are ready to take the place of the hard-partying young Hollywood crowd."I love being a role model because, in Hollywood, there aren't a lot of role models to look up to," she says. "The fact that there's a whole bunch of good kids coming out who are now stepping into the limelight, I'm very proud of that." Fair or not - the photos were soon online.How many more will we see until this all calms down?
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