She flowed in like Cinderella but when the clock struck midnight, Kate Moss’s evening (and dress) fell apart.The supermodel had to be helped from a glitzy Golden Age of Couture gala after ripping her priceless vintage Dior silk gown following another booze fuelled evening.The former Dior model arrived at the Victoria and Albert Museum with legendary photographer, Mario Testino, on her arm to help a cluster of glamour beauties celebrate the museum’s autumn fashion exhibit.But the evening started badly when Courtney Love accidentally stepped on her dress trail, ripping her gown.Moss made her own alterations converting her floor length gown into mini-dress, tied-up in a knot.Moss’s bottom exposed At one point her naked bottom was exposed, with further tears to her armpit and back. By the end of the evening the dishevelled clothes-horse had to be propped up by Testino and her driver to make it to her car.With her immaculately straightened hair turned into a Worzel Gummidge hay stack, Moss sped off to the pad of close friend, Davina Taylor, to continue an early morning bender.
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