Queen Latifah treated her friend to a new car tied up with a silver bow this week.The 'Chicago' star surprised her girlfriend by having the brand new Range Rover delivered to New York restaurant Philippe where they had been having lunch.An onlooker told the New York Post newspaper: "They had been having lunch and when they came out the car was parked on the street in front of the restaurant tied up with a big silver bow."Her friend was stunned and so happy. It was really sweet."Earlier this year, Latifah revealed she is keen to adopt an American child because she wants to "help a kid in the hood".The rapper-and-actress - real name Dana Owens - is determined to adopt in the US and levelled a veiled criticism at stars like Angelina Jolie and Madonna who have adopted from abroad.She said: "I want to help a kid in the hood. I want to adopt an American baby. There's just so many kids that could use a home."Angelina Jolie has three adopted children from Cambodia, Thailand and Ethiopia with boyfriend Brad Pitt.Madonna caused controversy last October when she and her director husband Guy Ritchie adopted one-year-old David Banda from Malawi.
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