Does your husband/boyfriend/significant other totally ignore you during football season? We thought so, and it’s not just because they are watching the endless Sunday and Monday night games anymore. They’ve gotten so involved in their Fantasy Football League’s that we practically lose them for the entire NFL season and end up taking the trash out to the curb ourselves.It’s time to fight back and we’ve got the solution. Fafarazzi is the celebrity world’s answer to Fantasy Sports. You can get obsessed with our celebrity team in the same way that our beloved sports fanatics have gotten obsessed managing their fantasy football teams. Instead of getting points for touchdowns you score big with celebrity catfights, divorces, baby bumps and in the case of Britney Spears; total celebrity meltdown. That one probably took some league to the Superbowl. You can even add and drop players anytime during the season when you feel a celebrity trainwreck about to happen. Registration is free and takes about 30 seconds and we can tell you from experience that it’s insanely addictive! Just go to Fafarazzi.com and join an existing league or create your own, then pick your celebrities and you are good to go with hours of celebrity watching (and mocking) fun.
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