Courtney Love continues to shrink before our eyes explains it away by saying that she is not into losing weight, its all about detoxing. Is it her detoxing then that’s causing those nasty mouth sores she had when she arrived at the Groucho Club in London this weekend? Of course, upon seeing all the photographers, Courtney threw on some red lipstick to cover up her oozing sores.Her lipstick really didn’t do much to cover up her increasing freakish appearance. In addition to her over the top weight loss, Court has taken to wearing unnaturally blue contact lenses, that are so very Interview With A Vampire.Courtney is now a scary size zero and credits her new figure to the occasional colonic and eating a daily diet of two meal replacement shakes and fish and veggies for dinner. Can anyone say, “addiction transference”?I had to edit this to add that someone pointed out to us that her mouth looks victim of “meth picking”. We of course are not accusing Courtney of using drugs again, just merely floating an idea that would explain the weight loss, mouth sores and misguided notion that she looks good.
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