Amy Winehouse’s mom is trying to help her drug addict daughter by limiting her pocket money to about $480 a week. Janis Winehouse says she is so worried about her daughter that she controls the rest of her income and only gives her pocket money to keep her from spending it on drugs. Janis, a pharmacist from north London says she doesn’t even know her daughter anymore.“Amy is playing Russian roulette with her health and musical gift. She’s lost herself. We’re not talking about my Amy. It’s not someone I recognize. She has become her own stage creation. I knew she was smoking marijuana but not that she was doing class A drugs until she collapsed. She won’t stop until she sees the point of stopping… when I saw her afterwards, I did not tell her to clean up, there was no point. I know all about class A drugs. I understand the process where the brain shuts out everything except the drugs. Talking to her about it won’t make any difference.”In addition to her addictions, something weird always seems to be ailing Amy. This week she was photographed with this nasty look infected finger while she and her husband attended her friend Kelly Osbourne’s debut in Chicago.
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