Hey, y’all! Ding dang, and hot damn - do Britney Spears, Sean Preston and the rest of your Hollywood gossip favorites have an announcement for you! No, she’s not pregnant for a third time (we think). Here’s the dilly: You can sound off on anyone and anything you want in our all-new FORUMS! This is your chance to shape the discussion and make The Hollywood Gossip the ultimate source for celebrity news, rumors and hot forum topics! From celebrities to their babies, to your favorite couples and the latest fashion disasters, it’s up to you to start the discussion. See what your fellow celebrity gossip readers have to say and let yourself be heard! We look forward to your contributions. Just CLICK HERE to get started, or click on the large “forums” link on our main menu at any time to visit our message boards. Add your own topic or join an existing thread! That’s it! Be gone with you. Do your thing. Talk about whatever you want, as much as you want. Good luck, and may the celebrity gossip be with you.“Gee willikers, y’all! The Hollywood Gossip forums gone be the bomb!”
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